乐彩汇 抛丸机:shot-blasting machine
抛丸:ball blast
抛丸器:impeller head;abtator or impeller head
乐彩汇 抛丸器叶片: Leaves blades
抛丸室:shot biast room
抛丸室设计:desihgn of shot blast machine
乐彩汇 抛丸清理:impact cleaning ;throw shot cleaning
抛丸清理机:airless biast cleaner;shot blasting machine ;abrator
乐彩汇 抛丸滚筒: tumblast
抛丸清理滚筒:shot tumblast;shot-blast cleaning barrel
抛丸清理转台:swing table abrator
抛丸清理装置:wheel abrator
乐彩汇 抛丸技术:spurting iron sand technology
抛丸机护板: lining plate of shot blasting machine
抛丸工艺:ball biast technique
乐彩汇 抛丸强化: shot peening intensity
抛丸除锈:impeller blasting
抛丸除锈法:impeller cleaning
乐彩汇 漏斗:Funnel
定向套:control cage
分丸轮:impeller;sub-round pill
叶轮:turbine wheel
乐彩汇 漏丸管:Leakage control pill
乐彩汇 结合盘:combination piate
叶片挡环:Central leaf block ;centering plate
乐彩汇 前端板:Front terminal ling
乐彩汇 后端板:Back terminal ling
顶护板:Upper ling
左护板:Lateral left ling
右护板:Lateral right ling
乐彩汇 铸钢丸:steel cast shot
乐彩汇 磨料:abrasive
乐彩汇 履带式抛丸机:tumble shot blasting machine
吊钩式抛丸机:hanger type shot blasting machine
滚筒式抛丸机:drum shot blasting machines
乐彩汇 转台式抛丸机:rotary table machines
连续通过式抛丸机:continuous flow shot blast machines
悬链式抛丸机:overhead rail shot blast machines
乐彩汇 辊道通过式抛丸机: roller conveyor shot blast machine
乐彩汇 钢板预处理线:preservation shot blast line
网带式抛丸机:wire mesh belt shot blasting machines
管材抛丸机:tube shot basting machines
乐彩汇 上一篇:如何更换抛丸机的叶片